Sunday, March 20, 2011

Five police officers and three civilians killed in FARC attacks

Five police officers and three civilians have been killed in separate rebel attacks in Colombia.

In the first attack, which took place at dawn in the north-western town of Sardinata, three police officers were killed and three others injured when rebels fired bombs crafted from gas cylinders at the police station. The subsequent explosions caused the walls to cave in, killing and injuring those inside.

The local police commander said he was confident that the attacks were carried out by the Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels.

In a second attack in nearby San Calixto, three civilians were killed when a similar bomb was fire at a police station. It missed striking a nearby residential area. It is also beleived that one of those killed was a child.

Two police officers were also killed in a gun battle with rebels on the border with Ecuador while five soldiers suffered injuries after their convoy was blasted with explosive devices.

Colombia has been a in a state of war between government forces and leftist-guerrilas since 1964.

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