Monday, January 3, 2011

Iran shoots down two spy drones

Iran's Revolutionary Guard has claimed that it has shot down two western spy drones in the Gulf.

While Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh did not say when the drones had been shot down he did say that this was not an isolated incident and confirmed that US and Israeli drones had been downed in Iranian territory before. He said that the latest two drones were shot down by the Revolutionary Guard's Air Force Wing in the Persian Gulf.

The Commander went on to say that while he understood that the drones were mainly being used in Iraq and Afghanistan, there had been frequent violations of Iranian air-space.

Responding to questions about a possible US or Israeli attack on Iran over it's continuing nuclear programme he said: "All their military bases are completely within Iran's missile range ... We have full control of our enemies and notice any changes taking place on our shores".

Iran's Revolutionary Guard is seen as an elite wing of their regular military. It was set up to protect the Islamic ruling system.

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