Monday, February 21, 2011

Galician nationalists to be charged over attempted car-bomb attack

Two Galician nationalists are to stand trial after they were arrested late last month on conspiracy charges, it has emerged.

The two men were stopped by a police patrol at a checkpoint near Pontevedra in the early hours of the morning. When the car was inspected it was found to contain a homemade explosive device. The car-bomb was made up of a five-litre can of petrol, six gas canisters and a number of fireworks attached to a detonator.

The names of those arrested have still not been released but it is understood that one of the men is under 18. They are both linked to the Galician nationalist movement and are believed to be members of Galician Resistance (REGA).

Since the beginning of the year REGA have been blamed for a bomb attack in Betanzos, four petrol bomb attacks on rival poltiicians offices and a failed bomb attack in Vigo.

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