Sunday, January 2, 2011

Taliban attacks leave three NATO troops dead

Less than 36 hours into the New Year and already three NATO troops have been killed in insurgent attacks.

The British Ministry of Defence has confirmed that one of the dead soldiers was from a Scottish regiment. He was killed in a roadside bomb attack in the Nahr-e Saraj distirct of Helmand Province.

The nationalities of the two other NATO soldiers who were killed in separate attacks have not been disclosed. The overwhelming majority of NATO/ISAF troops are American or British.

NATO casualties have been increasing sharply in recent months. During 2010 NATO lost 709 troops while the Afghan police force lost 1,292 officers. There were over 2,000 civilians killed. The US has claimed that over 5,000 Taliban fighters lost their lives in 2010 although there is no way of verifying such a claim. The number of casualties suffered by the Afghan Army has not been released.

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