Friday, December 31, 2010

Holiday home attacked in Corsica

 A holiday home belonging to an Italian national has been bombed in the town of Prunelli-di-Fiumorbo in Corsica.

The bombs, which contained ANFO packed into two 20 litre barrells and wrapped with detonating cord did not detonate properley, causing only minor damage to the property. However, senior police officers said that had the device exploded as planned the result would have been much more serious. One of the devices was place on a window ledge and the other outside the front door. The first device partially exploded while the bomb disposal team were able to defuse the second.

Senior investigators have confirmed that the National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation is underway.There has been an upsurge in bomb attacks across the island in recent weeks.

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